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"I am the light of the world. If any man follow me, he shall not walk in darkness but shall have the
light of life."
John 8:12

Advent occurs during the darkest days of Winter when the
lush beauty of
nature has disappeared
and our souls
long for warmth.

During this season
we prepare for the coming of Light
from Light through treasured rituals, reflection,
and meditation.

These Advent traditions serve
as symbols
for our search in
darkness for the
mystery of
life-giving light.

Many religious traditions draw a
link between light
and the holy.

What distinguishes
us as Christians
is our belief that
the Light became incarnate and
lived among us.

How do we find this
light in our inner landscapes?
How is His light manifested in
your heart?

During this season
of darkness how
do you imagine
the coming light
of life for all
to see?

Lux Mundi,
the Light of the World. How do we find
and manifest
that light?