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by Artist's Name
by Diocese



  Richard Adams

  Kristin Anderson

  Camilla Brunschwyler   Armstrong
  Barbara Dee Baumgarten
  Marjorie Blake
  Mary Ann Caplinger
  Sandra M. Carlman
  Nancy Carow
  Rachel Clearfield
  Veryle Lynn Cox
  Gerard DiFalco
  William Doughty
  Erin McGee Ferrell
  Francine Halvorsen
  Charlotte P. Harrell
  Jim Hawtrey
  C. Robin Janning
  Nancy B. Johnston
   John C. Little

  Frank Logue

  Victoria Logue
  Julee P. Lowe
  Jesse P. Mark
  Steve O'Loughlin
  Betsy Porter
  Ann B. Rhodes
  Suzanne Schleck
  Lynne Mallonee Schlimm
  Sue Schwartz
  Delda Skinner
  Kristy K. Smith
  Janet Strickler
  Kathy Thaden
  Barbi Tinder
  L. Vaughn

  Wendy West

  Anne Wetzel
  Karen Wheeler

Spiritual Sight     Jan Neal, Curator           presented June 14, 2006


Rain on the Perennial Garden

by Sue Schwartz
(Photograph, 2005)
St. Paul's Episcopal, Bound Brook, NJ

This is my favorite park. I have watched it grow from a plain lawn with a few shrubs and mounds of mulch to a classic garden full of blooms, interest and life. There is a gazebo which is perfect for a summer's evening prayer service. One evening when we were rained out I took this picture before joining up with the more sensible folk already dry in the church.
I am a Mother, Social Worker and life long Anglican living in New Jersey with my boys and husband. I have always loved photography. A few years ago my whole family realized I was taking so many pictures it just made sense to buy me a digital camera. They were absolutely right and now I carry a camera with me everywhere everyday. Sometimes the camera helps me see the things I feel. Sometimes I take the same picture over and over and it takes such a long time to get in print what I want to see. Sometimes the moments I catch are a total surprise and a blessing.


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