ECVA Newsletter Special Issue

January, 2005


Contributors 2004

  Detail of Fifth Station
The Rev. Thomas Faulkner,
Walking the Way
of the Cross
  Carmel Mission
By Barbra Miller,
from Inside-Outside:
Work from ECVA Chapters
The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts hosts three to four exhibitions a year online. In 2004, we featured:
Walking the Way of the Cross
Inside-Outside: Work from ECVA Chapters
Art and Faith: A Spiritual Journey

In addition to our exhibitions, people were invited to submit to our online features:
Featured Congregation
Community Arts
Visual Essay

The exhibitions, articles, and stories will remain at the website and can still be visited through the ECVA Archives.

On behalf of The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts, I would like to acknowledge the artists, individuals, and congregations who contributed to ECVA in 2004 and helped us "engage the visual arts in the spiritual life of the church", and to extend a sincere thank you.

Dan Hardison
Editor, The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts

Exhibition Artists
Mel Ahlborn
Matt Baumgardner
Barbara Dee Baumgarten
Sandra Bowden
Gurdon Brewster
Beverly Brookshire
Ned Bustard
John Cadigan
Heidi Christensen
Ruth Tietjen Councell
Brian Crowson
Ioana Datcu
Martin Delabano
Barbara Desrosiers
Tom Faulkner
Erin McGee Ferrell
Gary L. Gorby
Noel Hennelly
Kathy T. Hettinga
Jenna Higgins
Moses Hoskins
James Janknegt
Bradford Johnson
Catherine Kapikian
Cynthia Leidal
The Rev. Frank Logue
Colleen Meacham
Mary Melikian
Barbara Miller
John Moody
Ellen Francis Poisson
Jay Prignano
Eric Reiffenstein
Krystyna Sanderson
Donna Shasteen
Constance Skinner
Sara Waterbury
Hal Weiner
Anne Wetzel
George Wingate

Visual Essay/Multimedia Artists
Mel Ahlborn
Caroline Brown
Inga Dubay
Jim Janknegt
Tony Morinelli
Deborah Patterson and Robert Sirota
Krystyna Sanderson and Dan Hardison



Born Again
By Ioana Datcu,
from Art and Faith:
A Spiritual Journey

Mary Ann Breisch
Dorothy Gager and Fr. Carlos Raines
Robert R. Chapman, Jr. and Fr. Thomas Dement
Joel Haas
Dan Hardison
Judy Gibson King
Fr. Jim Mitchell and Connie Volkman
Betsy Porter
James Zingarelli

Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest
        – Austin, Texas
Grace Episcopal Church
        – Mt. Meigs, Alabama
Grace Episcopal Church
        – Spring Hill, Tennessee
King of Peace Episcopal Church
        – Kingsland, Georgia
St. Albans Episcopal Church
        – Wichita, Kansas
St. Bede’s Episcopal Church
        – Atlanta, Georgia
St. Dunstan's Church of the Highlands Parish
        – Shoreline, Washington
St. James Episcopal Cathedral
        – Fresno, California
Trinity Cathedral
        – Cleveland, Ohio

  The ECVA Board would especially like to acknowledge the following for their contributions:  
Kathryn Andonian
Athanasios Thomas Peter Aronis
Ednice Baerga
Lorene Carey
Susan Teegan Case
Ruth Councell
Tom Devonshire-Jones
Barbara Dundon
Erin McGee-Ferrell
Charles Flood
Richard Giles
Danny Hardison
Patty Hardison
Paul Harris
Ena Heller
Eileen Kennedy
Mary McConaghy
Charles Miller
Deborah Patterson
Daphne Raasch
Colin Sanderson
Vicki Sirota
Bob Tate
Carol Wade
Lynette Williams
Ann Winsor
  Art and Christian Inquiry (ACE)
Church Publishing
Episcopal Life
Episcopal News Service
The Executive Council of the General Convention
        of the Episcopal Church
The Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center,
        Diocese of Massachusetts
Bishop George Councell and The Diocese of New Jersey
Bishop Robert Ihloff and The Diocese of Baltimore
The Cathedral of St John the Divine, New York
The Center for the Arts, Religion and Education
        at the GTU Seminary (CARE)
The Church of the Advocate, Philadelphia
Museum of Biblical Arts, New York
Philadelphia Cathedral
The Office for Worship, Liturgy, and Spiritual Formation,
        UCC, Ohio
St Gregory of Nyssa, San Francisco and God's Friends
St James Episcopal Church, New York
St Martin in the Field, Chapel Hill
St Mary the Virgin Times Square, New York
The Worship Well
Trinity Church, New York
  ECVA Board:
Chair – Mel Ahlborn
Vice Chair – Whim Lynch
Secretary – Clay Morris
Treasurer – Thomas Moore III
Community Chairman – Krystyna Sanderson
Exhibitions Co Chairmen– Brad Johnson and Tom Faulkner
Education Chairman – Gurdon Brewster
Madeleine Anagnostopoulos
Phoebe Griswold
Catherine Kapikian
  About ECVA      
The mission of The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts (ECVA) is to encourage artists, individuals, congregations, and scholars to engage the visual arts in the spiritual life of the church. ECVA values the significance of visual imagery in spiritual formation and the development of faith, and creates programs to support those who are engaged in using the visual arts in spiritual life.

To learn more about ECVA, please visit


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The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts