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A Message of Welcome from the ECVA Board of Directors

Excerpt from The Inner History of a Day by John O’Donohue

The mind of the day draws no attention;
It dwells within the silence with elegance
To create a space for all our words,
Drawing us to listen inward and outward.

We seldom notice how each day is a holy place
Where the Eucharist of the ordinary happens,
Transforming our broken fragments
Into an eternal continuity that keeps us.

The Board of Directors for Episcopal Church and Visual Arts (ECVA) would like to present this gift of common prayer through art to our parishes for parish discussion, centering prayer groups, art guilds, and personal devotion. Please take this resource that we are offering and use it to enhance the ministry of your church through art. We are very grateful to the talented artists who contributed to this project. Through their art one can see the many faces of God in our world today. These artists have captured the mystery of God present in our ordinary and extraordinary lives.

As you go into this exhibition to experience the richness of what each piece of artwork has to offer, we also ask you to visit our website at www.ecva.org. Revisit our archived exhibitions for more ideas for parish discussions, look at our Events to see the many opportunities now offered through ECVA conversations.

ECVA Board of Directors:
Joy Jennings, President and Exhibitions Director
Mel Ahlborn, Vice-President and Secretary
Robert Tate, Treasurer
Jeanne Harris Weaver, Newsletter Editor
Jorin Hood, Media and Content Developer

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