Catherine Quehl-Engel

Morning Prayer

Oil on canvas (11" x 14")

Artist Statement:

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Sometimes the Sanctus makes me weepy. Even while I preside. It’s not all that different from those moments of knee-buckling beauty before the Divine as it drenches quiet earth, vast sky, and soaring hawk while I’m out on a morning run. Can I remain awake this day, continuing to consciously see God shining in and through everything? Can I have incarnational eyes to see?

The Eucharist helps train us for this sacred seeing and transfigured awareness. We take True Presence into our being; in doing so we are reminded of God dwelling so close as to be inside us and all creation.

My spiritual landscape paintings are a Sanctus. They point to heaven and earth being full of God’s glory. May these visual prayers offer those who gaze upon them a moment of entry into that quiet, humble awe. Into wonder. To linger and rest longer in conscious Communion with the Divine.

Bio: Catherine Quehl-Engel is a Christian mystic, artist-priest, meditation instructor, and college chaplain living in Mt. Vernon, Iowa.

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