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To view the Preludes you will need the Flash 6 Player. If you do not have it already, getting the player is very easy.

1. Windows users – downloading the Flash player is automatic and has probably already happened as you were reading this. Or please follow this link to download the Player from macromedia.com.

2. Mac users – please follow this link to download the Player from macromedia.com. Hint: Be patient. If you do not succeed the first time, try one more time.


The Visual Preludes were created by artists and ECVA board members Eliza Linley and Mel Ahlborn. See the Schedule for listings of participating artists.




VISUAL ART at GENERAL CONVENTION : newsschedulevisual preludes

Day One
The circle is a universal symbol as well as a sacred symbol to Native Americans. It appears throughout today's visual prelude in thanksgiving for the hospitality of the Diocese of Minnesota. The sacred circle is present each day conventioners gather for worship, echoed in the shape of an 8' altar made especially for this convention. It provides a constant reminder that through our union in Christ Jesus we are invited to gather as one.

Day Two
The visual meditation for today celebrates the glory of God's creation. The theme is taken from the words of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuit Order, whose feast we celebrate today: "Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam: To the Greater Glory of God". These words appear at the top of everything Ignatius wrote as a reminder that all we do is to this end. Nowhere is this more appropriate than in the arts.

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