logo ECVA





Day One, July 30, 2003

Day Two, July 31

Day Three, August 1

Day Four, August 2

Day Five, August 3

Day Six, August 4

Day Seven, August 5

Day Eight, August 6

Day Nine, August 7


Every day of convention, ECVA will issue a press release about the theme and artists for each day's visual prelude to worship.

Those who are attending convention may look for The Rev. Gurdon Brewster, Chair of ECVA, at booth #211.

Stop by the chapel to see the sculptures of The Rev. Thomas Faulkner and look for artist Krystyna Sanderson, who will be signing copies of her book of photographs.

We will post any news items we receive during the time of convention.

From Episcopal Life Convention Daily

August 1, 2003
Art is muse for meditation
Art—it’s not just for museums any more. Using art as a way to help evoke God’s presence is part of each morning’s Eucharist, said Phoebe Griswold, whose support of the Episcopal Church and Visual Arts group began after her husband became Presiding Bishop in 1998. full article

Chapel's stations update Way of Cross
The stations of the cross installed in the Convention’s meditation chapel (room 205B) find their reality in images from Monrovia, the Little Big Horn, a Sandinista police checkpoint, and the Sistine Chapel and seemingly incongruent objects such as empty suitcases, ironing boards and a piece of Manhattan bedrock. full article


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