Zachary Roesemann

Holy Cross Triptych: Christ Pantocrator with Sts. Benedict and James Huntington

Egg tempera and 23-carat gold leaf on board; approximately 4x5 feet

Artist Statement: We are taught that God is present everywhere. But humans have always sought God in sacred places, often creating them both for worship and as acts of worship. We need the beauty of holiness.

This icon celebrates that beauty in several ways. Written for the Chapter Room at Holy Cross Monastery in upstate New York, the three images are chosen particularly for those living out the monastic calling in that place. Father Huntington, the founder of the Order of the Holy Cross, presents to Christ the beauty of a community of monks as well as the beautiful architecture of the monastery. Benedict presents the beauty of his written rule and the beautiful structure of life it sets up. The background shows the natural beauty of the site of the monastery, where monks fulfill their vow of stability. The icon is made of beautiful, natural materials of creation, from gold to pigments from across the earth.

And then there is Christ himself. Radiant with love, robed in precious lapis lazuli, he both blesses us and invites us. He himself is the true beauty of holiness. The icon draws us to him—to look, to be still, to worship, and to love.

Bio: Zachary Roesemann is a full-time iconographer in New York City. He is currently resident iconographer at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin.

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