
Feasts for the Eyes


exhibiting artists

Ken Arnold
Roger Beattie
Kathrin Burleson
Mary Anne Carley
Dennis Di Vicenzo
Lorna Effler
Paul Fromberg
Susan Goff
Janice Holman
Moses Hoskins
Ann Kim
Judy Gibson King
Audrey Lee
Mary Mayer
Nicole Maynard
Judith McManis
Zachary Roesemann
Claudia Smith
Patricia Smith
Kathy Thaden
Susan Tilt
Barbi Tinder
Vanessa Wells
Jeff Wunrow

curator's statement






It is finished . . .
by Audrey Lee
Acrylic, 2007, 9.5" x 9.5"

        I returned to painting about twelve years ago in order to balance a professional life focused  on the written and spoken word.  The problem for me is that while words are powerful, still they have their limits.  As Edward Hopper put it, “If you could say it in words, there’d be no reason to paint.”  So paint I have in order to express those things that are otherwise inexpressible.
        I began with watercolor, studying with Carmen Lund.  I have since gleefully branched out into collage and mixed media as well as acrylics.  My work varies from abstract to fairly representational as need be. Travel informs my art but so do dreams and shards of everyday life. The common thread is the deep sense of mystery that pervades all life and which  cannot be said in words.         

        Currently I am working on a contemporary Stations of the Cross that focuses on the expressive hands of the participants in that holy drama.  The concept dates back a dozen years but only last year did I begin actual work on it. I have intentionally kept the size small in hopes the series might be used either devotionally or liturgically. I hope to finish it by the end of the year.   

Email:  audlee2@yahoo.com 

© 2007 Episcopal Church & Visual Arts, Inc.