
Feasts for the Eyes


exhibiting artists

Ken Arnold
Roger Beattie
Kathrin Burleson
Mary Anne Carley
Dennis Di Vicenzo
Lorna Effler
Paul Fromberg
Susan Goff
Janice Holman
Moses Hoskins
Ann Kim
Judy Gibson King
Audrey Lee
Mary Mayer
Nicole Maynard
Judith McManis
Zachary Roesemann
Claudia Smith
Patricia Smith
Kathy Thaden
Susan Tilt
Barbi Tinder
Vanessa Wells
Jeff Wunrow

curator's statement






Come Holy Spirit
by Jeff Wunrow
Silk Matka, Silk Organza, Silk Dupioni, Ultrasuede2007, 24" x 30"

I wanted to capture the tongues of fire associated with this day, but in an appealing, visual way.  Each flame is made of four colors of silk organza, which creates a beautiful, subtle color progression, and outlined in white ultrasuede.  The flame outlined in red cuts through the base fabric and the lining fabric to show up on the reverse side of the banner, where it is also outlined in red ultrasuede, so it is possible to actually see through the banner at that point.  It was my goal to add a new design element to the front, and create a processional banner that is also interesting when seen from the back.

I have been creating one-of-a-kind vestments and banners for about two years. I tend to approach each banner from a graphic design standpoint, using computer software such as Illustrator to create the design, and using the most beautiful fabrics I can find to realize that design. I hope that my work achieves a modern expression of ancient Christian traditions.

Trinity, St Louis , Missouri
Website: www.jeffwunrow.com

© 2007 Episcopal Church & Visual Arts, Inc.